There was a certain writing contest that I was very excited to enter. I found out about it right before summer, clipped the announcement from my favorite magazine and went to deciding what to write about. For the last few weeks I have been editing my piece on and off so that I could know that I did my best. The winner got their writing published in the magazine, got to meet with a literary agent and a "possible" $5,000. (Which was not my motive, but "possible"? Why was the money not certain?)The due date was tonight, at 11:59pm. I wrote it on the calender in my room and put it in my phone: SEPTEMBER 15 11:59- CONTEST ESSAY DUE! So I read my final draft just a few minutes ago, and went to find the link. It wasn't there. I had been on it earlier, so I found it through my computer's history. I went to submit it, but unfortunately, it was due at 8:59pm. That's right folks, it was due at 11:59 EST. Why would it not also say the Pacific Standard Time? That's the time that counts! That's when everything cool and important happens! Who cares about Eastern Standard Time? Of course it's the website's fault, not mine.
To make me feel better, Brad reminded me that when he went to board his flight to Europe a few years back, he was denied. His ticket was for July 7 2008. It was 2007. That did make me feel better. At least my moment didn't have financial repercussions.
Here's a fun picture to remind myself if no one else, that at least CSULB thinks I'm smart. (p.s. I' m mid-wink in this photo... in case you were wondering)
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