Thursday, December 19, 2013

Boyd Family Christmas Card

Keeping with the blog theme of updates, how about a Christmas card?
As anyone who knows me knows, I am not much of a fan of the whole façade of the Facebook world in the variety of "my life is perfect" and "I do only awesome fun things with the most awesome people." The pre-internet equivalent of that would have to be the Christmas newsletter. Now, I'm not talking about the people with families who highlight the "what's happenings" of their lives. Those are lovely. I mean the "my family was perfect and awesome this year!" highlights of braggishness that are overly fabricated. I thought it would be fun to send out a braggish Christmas card in reverse. It would sound something like this:

Hello Beloved Friends and Family!

Well, 2013 marked the first full year for the Boyd house here in Aliso Viejo! It sure was a busy year, which means we must be very important people.
We started the year doing almost nothing for the first few weeks. Krystina used her college education to serve steaks to the patrons of Foothill Ranch for the first few months of the year, working only a few hours a day. Brad's good fortune allowed him to provide financially while only working a day or two a week. Amazingly it took almost a full month to put away the Christmas decorations from 2012 because we were too busy trying to break the record for watching the entire available series of "Parenthood" on Netflix in only a few weeks time. I am happy to report it was a success! Those kinds of shenanigans went on for awhile until Krystina finally got a real job in May. It was going quite well, but unfortunately she kind of got demoted after only a few months. Now, her company might call it a "restructure" but it sure looks and sounds like a demotion!
In the baby department things are really going our way, much to the chagrin of our parents. Krystina continuously remembered to take her birth control, so no accidents have been reported. The only baby in this house is our giant and awesome cat Sage.
Sage came to our house in January and really set up camp. He was meek and humble at first, but has since become more bold-- from jumping around to wake Brad up in the mornings, to bringing uninvited neighborhood friends in to tear up the curtains, Sage really feels at home now.
We had a fun year of traveling to new and local places, but we shant dwell on these sorts of things. What's really significant is that Krystina joined a local gym and Brad bought an Xbox 360, and together officially got a Costco membership. We watched several series' thanks to Netflix including but not limited to: House of Cards, Friday Night Lights, and Madmen.
Hard to think 2014 is fast approaching, and I'm sure it will be just as adventurous. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

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